Shock Responsive Safety Nets for Human Capital Project (SNHCP/SNLRP) Funded by WFP Relief project (Unconditional cash transfer including In-kind and CBT) Funded by WFP School Meals Project Funded by WFP Livelihood Recovery Initiatives through Food Assistance For Assets (FFA) Funded by WFP
APCO asserts that school meals are a powerful educational support: improving behavior, ability to focus and academic performance. School meals are also an important source of nutrition for all school-age children with school meals being more nutritious than what most children buy from outside sources or pack from home. Nutrition during the school years is crucial for the physical, mental, and psychosocial development of children and adolescents aged 6 to 19 years. Attending classes hungry severely impacts children’s and adolescents’ abilities to learn, to thrive, and to realize their full potentials. Benefits of school feeding on children and adolescents include alleviating hunger, reducing micronutrient deficiency and anemia, preventing overweight and obesity, improving school enrollment and attendance, increasing cognitive and academic performance, and contributing to gender equity in access to education. APCO supports resilient food system by providing conditional food or cash assistance in food insecure communities to fill their immediate food gaps as they create climate-resilient assets for increasing production and diversifying livelihoods. APCO also supports smallholder farmers in accessing markets, agricultural inputs, credit and technologies, and works with traders and retailers to address inefficiencies in food supply chains. APCO works towards reducing poverty and hunger and that the emergency preparedness, response and recovery mechanisms can meet the humanitarian needs of crisis-affected populations.
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