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Projects we won


Technical Competence:

Assessments: Prior to any project proposals, APCC first carries needs assessments surveys commonly known as Rapid community assessment (RCA) surveys. RCA surveys are aimed at identifying and prioritizing community needs and ensuring that appropriate interventions are well sought in addressing specific needs and challenges. These needs assessment surveys guarantee project partnership with communities and overall sustainability. APCC has undertaken numerous vulnerability needs and gaps assessments, monitoring and evaluation studies in South Central Somalia in coordination with UNOCHA, international and local agencies.


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Projects we won


Project design and implementation

APCC works towards enhanced program quality intervention and quality impact through in-house trainings, staff performance audit and self- reflection, recruitment of experienced and qualified Team in Somalia, Nairobi and Helsinki. Our project designs embrace innovative solutions that are in line with community needs and implementation is guided by annual work plans with quarterly reviews. APCC’s key staff exhibits both academic and professional competencies in their respective areas of specialization. It is the Organization’s best practice to encourage teamwork and has established results based management complementing in-puts, out-puts, impact and sustainability.


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Monitoring and Evaluation

APCC adheres to the best international standards in its financial and operational reports with the most ethical standards. More importantly, we have incorporated a monitoring and evaluation tools and systems which are sufficiently flexible to respond to the concerns of both donors and the Organization. Monitoring and evaluation system strengthening tool (MESST) has been adopted encompassing areas of; data demand and collection tools, quality assurance; assessment methods, routine information management system and staff capacity development. M&E team has been created headed by M&E officer to monitor and evaluate our projects and programs. APCC also has M&E policy and procedures manual that guides the M&E activities and report writing. APCC monitoring evaluation, accountability and learning strategy focuses on the following: What to assess (general domains of change, key questions for enquiry, common indicators) How to assess It (data collection tools and quantitative and qualitative assessment methods) What to communicate and how, to prove and improve their effectiveness Effect of standards, quality impact and quality standards Accountability to donors, to beneficiaries and self -accountability among UN agencies and APCC. Sustainability of the intervention

Funds management and accountability

Financial: Funds management and accountability System.

Financial Reporting: End of the financial year, financial reporting and to whom

APCC adheres to international procedures and ethical standards in its financial reporting and uses the appropriate software that fits the interests of our donors and our own.

Quarterly and annual financial reports are produced both for internal use and upon request of our stakeholders. At the helm of this is our financial manager who is a qualified accountant.

Execution of all financial affairs are guided by our financial rules and procedures outlined in the policy and procedures manual