Religious rights e.g right and freedom to worship, right to peaceful co-existence and harmony among all clans, age groups and regions
Civil and political rights e.g right to equal participation in civil and political activities within a gendered perspective, property ownership, and leadership
Respect of the rights of children and women
Socio-economic and political reintegration
Promotion of Human right, peace and conflict transformation and good governance
Community on rights of children, girl-child, women, elderly, disabled people, PLWA, IDPs, migrant communities and promote their protection through Behavioral Change Communication activities led by the community.
Promotion of gender values and education
Promotion of peace building, reconciliation and social cohesion across all clans, regions, age groups and gender
Promotion of human rights education inclusive of the minority clans and persons with disabilities.
Provision of Skills training through demobilization and reintegration programs and creation of alternative employment opportunities.
Institutional capacity building states technical capacity enhancements and rehabilitation of public infrastructure
Provide adequate care and support to victims of sexual violence in the targeted localities through medical assistance, psychosocial support and legal assistance
Prevent sexual violence through awareness raising activities and design and plan to fight sexual violence
Collect reliable quantitative and qualitative data on sexual violence
Collect reliable quantitative and qualitative data on sexual violence
Improve and strengthen the protection of vulnerable IDP girls & women in of south central regions of Somalia.
Increased knowledge and awareness of communities on the negative health, religious, social and cultural implications of SGBV and FGM on women and girls in the community through enhancing awareness on cessation of GBV, FGM and primary health services.