APCO understands that water is a basic human right, hence urges all authorities and populations including Donors, Partners and Private agencies to coalesce towards realizing the access to WASH services and facilities as enunciated under the Sustainable Development Goal 6. APCO highly notes that access to improved water supply in Somalia is estimated at 32%, while populations with improved sanitation are estimated at a staggering 24%, one of the lowest in the world. Recurring droughts, now a common natural feature of Somalia, combined with internal displacement and a deteriorated network of water points to compound poor access, forcing supply needs often to be met through emergency operations, such as water trucking. Lack of access to clean and safe water has exacerbated incidences of water-borne diseases especially cholera which is endemic in Somalia. This has contributed to a high under-five child mortality rate of 133 per 1,000 live births. Climate change continues to negatively impact Somalia’s ability to achieve food and water security. In rural areas, an inadequate network of pastoral water structures that supply both domestic and livestock water remains the major cause of conflict between pastoralists and settled communities.
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