Full Time
Posted 2 years ago

Dear Sir /Madam
APCO Organization invites submission of quotations from Individuals or companies to provide clean water and
safe water to drought-affected populations in Kahda of Banadir region in Somalia. In accordance with the
conditions detailed in the attached documents below. APCO Organizational intends to issue a Framework Agreement
for Clean Water Supplies for a period of 30 days.
We include the following information for your review
§ Part 1: Tender Information
§ Part 2: Conditions of Tendering
Your Quotation response must be received in the following format and conditions:

  1. One hard copy of the Quotation is to be submitted on headed paper.
  2. Bids are to be submitted in a sealed envelope addressed to the TENDER COMMMITEE at the below address;
    Contact: APCO Office

Contact Person Hassan Ali Dhiblawe

  1. The envelope should indicate Ref No. 05/13/5006) but have no other details relating to the bid.
  2. Your returned tender must be received at the address above not later than 4.00 p.m. on
    22nd June 2023. Failure to meet the Closing Date may result in the tender being void.
    Returned Quotations will remain open for consideration for a period of not less than 30 days from the Closing Date.
    APCO Organization is under no obligation to award the contract or to award it to the lowest bidder.
    Should you require further information or clarification regarding this process please contact us at the following
    address; info@agropastoral.org
    We look forward to receiving a tender from you and thank you for your interest.
    Hassan Ali Diblawe
    Procurement office
    Date: 15th June 2023
    Ref No: 05/13/5006

Water Tracking
Ref No: APCO 05/13/5006
BID NOTICE: Provision of water trucking to 4500 population in kahda
District of Banadir region.
Date of EOI: 15th June 2023
Closing date: 22nd June 2023
Project Ref No: CBPF-SOM-23-S-NGO-25171
To be addressed to: APCO Office
To be dropped at: APCO Office
Contact: APCO Office
Contact Person Hassan Ali Dhiblaawe

APCO Organization hereby invites applications to establish contract with reputable vendors / companies with vast
experience capable to provide Water Tracking for 30 days. The vendors with capacities and can fulfil the needs of water
supply are requested to submit their quotations of unit cost as per the description of scope of work below to the
provided address above before the closing dates as stated above:
Scope of Work

  1. Supply and Delivery of clean & safe water to 4,500 emergency affected people in Kahda.
    Activity/Item Description Unit type Qty Duration/
    No of Days
    U.Price/Cost Totals Amount
    Supply and Delivery of clean &
    safe water to 4500 people in
    persons 4,500 30 $ 0.00 $ 0.00
  2. The selected supplier will be responsible to deliver Water to APCO designated locations.
  3. The water trucks shall be equipped with a water pump and other necessary equipment for filling the water tanks and
    for distribution at IDP camps).
  4. Each Water Trucks should be equipped with a Flowmeter which would calculate the actual quantity of the water
    distributed by the supplier. APCO will not accept deliveries from water trucks that are not equipped with Flowmeters.
  5. APCO will make payments to the Suppliers based on the quantity of water recorded in the log sheets.
  6. The APCO team members will be assigned for each delivery locations and will be responsible to monitor the
    delivered water, water quality testing and filling log sheets.
  7. Water quality:
    a. The Supplier shall ensure that the water provided is safe for drinking in accordance with the WHO Drinking
    Water Quality Guidelines and/or the applicable National Drinking Water Standards APCOs.
    b. The Supplier shall only provide drinking water from sources accepted and approved by APCO and tested every
    1 week.
    c. In addition, all drinking water supplied must be treated prior to delivery to ensure that it is:
    i. Disinfected with chlorine (free residual chlorine in the range 0.2 – 0.5 milligrams per liter).
  8. Payment will be made through the cheque or electronic fund transfer within 40 days upon receipt of invoice after
    supply, delivery, inspection and acceptance of Water.
    Submission Procedures:
    All potential suppliers are required to submit the bid documents in a sealed envelope. ONLY PHYSICAL SUBMISSION WILL
    BE CONSIDERED (HARD COPY). Any bid submitted electronically shall not be considered. Sealed bids should be clearly
    marked with the following tender reference number and delivered to APCO Office:
    Offers must be submitted on or before the deadline, which is on 22nd JUNE 2023 at 04:00 PM.
    Formal bids being submitted must be on formal company letters, duly signed and stamped must indicate the Full Company
    Name, Physical Address, Contact Telephone Number/contact Email address.
    In principle, the financial evaluation of complete and responsive offers from qualified bidders will be conducted based on the
    total cost for the requirement and award based on the lowest price technically qualified bid.
    A. Preliminary evaluation:
    Non-discretionary “Pass” or “fail” rating based on submission of the following documents.

Administrative Requirement:
Contractors are required to submit the following documents;

  • Valid Local Registration Certificate (Not Mandatory).
  • Tax Clearance Certificate (Not Mandatory).
    Only qualified bids shall be considered for the technical evaluation.
    B. Technical Evaluation
  • Responsiveness/full compliance to technical requirements (BOQ/table above)
  • Completeness of bid to the requirement
  • Minimum at least 2 contracts of similar nature, implemented during the last 3 years and corresponding
    completion certificates awarded.
    C. Financial Evaluation
    Financial Comparison of the technically qualified bids after arithmetic analysis and award to Lowest Priced bidder.
    Award shall be per lot.
    D. Further Information to bidders:
  • Currency of offer should be strictly in US Dollars.
  • APCO does not undertake to pay in advance of work.
  • APCO reserves the right to accept or reject any offer
  • Canvassing or giving false information will lead to automatic disqualification.
  • Incomplete offers or offers which do not comply with any of our tender conditions will not be considered.
  • It is the Agency’s policy to keep all tender values in confidence.
    E. Language for the bids
  • The language for the bids shall be English only.
    Approved by:
    Name: Ahmed Hassan Karie.
    Executive Director

Job Features

Job CategoryTender

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