Nutrition Officer (1 Position)

Full Time
Posted 2 years ago

Nutrition Officer (1 Position)
Vacancy Announcement: 29 May 2023
Organization: Agro Pastoral Charity Organization (APCO)
Position Title: Nutrition project coordinator
Location/Duty Station: Afgoye District, Lower Shabelle
Announcing Date: 29/05/2023
Closing Date: 12/06/2023
Project Duration:12 months Contract with possibility of extension to availability of funds and
satisfactory job performance.
Commitment to Diversity: APCO is an equal opportunities employer.
Submission Email:
Organizational Background
Background Information
Agro Pastoral Charity Organization (APCO) is a local non-governmental, non-profit
making organization founded in 1998, which supports vulnerable populations, affected
by humanitarian crises in Somalia. APCO provides continued support to vulnerable
communities by ensuring the sustainability of post-crisis interventions and engaging
long-term challenges facing our target populations, in order to break the poverty cycle,
foster development and reduce vulnerability to disasters. Their interventions seek to
cover the multiple aspects of humanitarian and development crises through a
multidisciplinary approach adapted to each context.
In partnership with Somali Humanitarian Fund (SHF), APCO is implementing a Nutrition
program, titled Provision of lifesaving nutrition assistance for drought-affected
population in Afgoye district, Lower Shabelle. So, APCO is looking for a professionally
confident, self-motivated, experienced and committed team player to fill the Nutrition
project coordinator
Duties and Responsibilities
Nutrition Management

  • Responsible for the implementa1on, management, supervision and support of the
    assigned nutri1on project in line with the ac1vity plan and 1me frame of the relevant
    project proposal and any applicable na1onal and interna1onal guidelines and
  • Conduct regular field trips to health facili1es and outreach loca1ons for support and
  • Ensure that regular monitoring and evalua1on assessments are conducted both
    against project objec1ves and to ensure the quality of the programme.
  • Provide input into the integra1on of beneficiary par1cipa1on and accountability in all
    aspects of the project.
  • Oversee the process of data collec1on, colla1on and dissemina1on to meet the
    requirements and deadlines set by APCO and/or external partners.
  • Ensure accurate and 1mely repor1ng of ac1vi1es for internal and external reports (e.g.
    weekly, monthly, quarterly and final reports) as requested by Execu1ve Director, HQ
    and donors
  • Line manage and oversee the assigned nutri1on team including recruitment, day-today management, development and training, appraisals, etc.
  • Facilitate regular team mee1ngs with the assigned nutri1on team, reviewing team and
    individual objec1ves, ensuring team members are kept informed of issues relevant to
    their work and providing an opportunity for feedback.
  • Design and undertake capacity building strategy for Nutri1on programme staff in order
    to ensure quality service delivery.
  • Assess training needs for the nutri1on staff and ensure appropriate training is
  • Promote the health and security of the nutri1on team by ensuring the applica1on of
    security guidelines.
    Financial Management
  • Work with the relevant managers to plan, construct and manage nutri1on budgets for
    the assigned nutri1on project.
  • Coordinate and oversee peQy cash requirements of the assigned nutri1on team,
    ensuring all required paperwork is completed accurately and in a 1mely manner.
    Communication and Coordination
  • Develop and maintain appropriate, regular, transparent and suppor1ve
    communica1on structures with the assigned nutri1on team, APCO health and
    nutri1on managers and advisors and other relevant stakeholders (e.g. beneficiaries,
    community leaders, local and na1onal government officials, UN agencies,
    implemen1ng partner NGOs and other NGOs)
  • Represent APCO at relevant local level coordina1on mee1ngs involving local
    authori1es, UN agencies and other NGOs.
  • Maintain communica1on with nutri1on partners (OCHA and UNICEF) regarding any
    changes of the project implementa1on e.g. insecurity in project loca1ons, popula1on
    movement Logis1cs.
  • Manage the correct and 1mely ordering (within budgetary constraints) of all necessary
    medicines, supplies and equipment for the assigned nutri1on facili1es and ac1vi1es,
    ensuring minimum stocks are maintained and items are stored and distributed
  • Ensure 1mely requests are submiQed to nutri1on partners (WFP and UNICEF) to
    release and deliver Nutri1on supplies at the designated warehouses.
  • Coordinate with the logis1cs team and ensure proper warehouse management
    including stock cards, stock-outs, monthly inventory etc.
  • Work closely with the logis1cs team for staff movement to field loca1ons e.g. hiring of
    Quality Management
  • Implement, as far as is possible within opera1onal constraints, relevant policies and
    standards rela1ng to nutri1on service delivery including Sphere and HAP standards,
    na1onal requirements and donor guidelines and other good prac1ces.
  • Par1cipate as requested APCO internal workshops and distance learning sessions to
    keep up with changing trends, new guidelines and best prac1ces.
  • Ensure nutri1on assessments and interven1ons are in line with relevant na1onal and
    interna1onal guidelines (MUAC, IMAM, IYCF)
    Functional Competencies:
  • Assesses project performance to iden1fy success factors and incorporates best
    prac1ces into project work.
  • Research linkages across programme ac1vi1es to iden1fy cri1cal points of integra1on.
  • Monitors specific stages of projects/programme implementa1on.
  • Generates new ideas and proposes new, more effec1ve ways of doing things.
  • Documents and analyses innova1ve strategies/best prac1ces/new approaches.
    Job Knowledge/Technical Expertise
  • Possesses basic knowledge of organiza1onal policies and procedures rela1ng to the
    posi1on and applies them consistently in work tasks.
  • Understands and applies fundamental concepts and principles of a professional
    discipline or technical specialty rela1ng to the posi1on.
  • Demonstrates good knowledge of informa1on technology and applies it in work
  • Demonstrates in-depth understanding and knowledge of the current guidelines and
    project management tools and u1lizes these regularly in work assignments.
  • Demonstra1ng/safeguarding ethics and integrity.
  • Facilita1ng teamwork and encouraging open communica1on in the team,
    communica1ng effec1vely.
  • Managing conflict, Informed and transparent decision-making.
  • Learning and sharing knowledge and encouraging the learning of others. Promo1ng
    learning and knowledge management/sharing is the responsibility of each staff
  1. Reporting
  • Provide 1mely reports on the field trips, monitoring visits and assessments to the Area
  • Compile weekly, monthly and other APCO substan1al reports as may be required,
    including donor reports.
  • Perform any other du1es as required.
    Application Procedure
    All applications should be sent to no later than 12
    June 2023. Application received after this date will not be considered

Job Features

Job CategoryNutrition

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